You eat plants and animals, get plenty of sleep and sun, and spend time doing things you love with people you love and things just kind of fall into place. You can tinker around the edges and get really into the details but that more or less will lead you to wellness.

But, if it is fitness you seek, the next step above wellness, there is a short list of things to pay attention to and keep in check if you want to see gains.

1. STRESS: Exercise is a potent stressor and that’s why it works so well: by encountering and overcoming the stress of a heavy squat or a sprint up a hill, our fitness improves to make the next encounter a little easier. Unfortunately, dealing with any kind of stress diverts valuable manpower away from workout recovery.

2. MORE EXERCISE You don’t get stronger from exercise. in fact you get weaker. that is observable, measurable, and repeatable. Think of it like this- do as many as push ups as you can until you fail. rest a minute then repeat. Is it easier the second time? No, right! You make little tears in your muscle tissue and you become weaker. Those muscle tissues repair when you rest. If you don’t take enough time to rest you can’t repair. simple as that. You are an adapting machine. Give your body time to do its thing.

3. EXCESSIVE CALORIE RESTRICTION “Eat less, move more” is the popular, inevitable refrain from fitness “experts” giving weight loss advice. They claim that reducing your calorie intake and increasing your activity will always lead to simple, easy, inevitable fat loss. And yeah, that’s one way to lose body weight, but there’s one big problem with this equation: you need calories to recover from your workouts. Not a problem if you just want to lose body mass at any cost. Disastrous, though, if you want to improve performance, get stronger, and get fitter, because you need those calories to refuel your muscles and restock you energy levels.

September 4, 2013 WOD


Snatch Grip Press (Strict)  7×3- heavier than last week


Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes.

2 muscle snatch

4 snatch grip push press

6 overhead squat

All levels- spend 5 minutes warming up to heaviest weight possible (maintaining proper position and movement) Score equals rounds and weight.