If you CrossFit, guess what? You are considered an athlete!  And as an athlete, you need to ensure you are taking the necessary steps to properly fuel your body.  In my opinion, and touched upon in THIS article, a common mistake many athletes make is not eating enough food, especially the right kind.  Not eating enough leads to a stunt in muscle gain, performance, metabolic activity, metabolism, and can even cause fat retention or gain as a result of forcing yourself into survival mode.  Read on to learn about 3 simple steps to properly fuel your performance.

Article courtesy of Breakingmuscle.com

3 Simple Steps to Properly Fuel Your Performance


July 30, 2013 WOD


1a) Bench press 4×5 (heaviest possible)

1b) Pendlay row 4×5 (heaviest possible)


3 rounds for time of:

run 400m

15 dead lift

30 push up


Rx – 225/155

Lv2 – 135/95

Lv1 – 95/55