Jul 2012

120723 WOD

Heres a few shots of the Marsh Madness that just took place this past weekend. Great job to those of you who gave it your all (and came out faster than last time)!

July 23, 2012 WOD


Kipping pull ups

Level 1

7×2 Clean & jerk (heaviest possible)


Complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of:

power clean

ring dips

pull ups

Level 2

1a) 5×2 Front squat (heaviest possible) rest 30 seconds

1b) 5×3 Negative ring dip -(4,4 Tempo) rest 60 seconds

Note: Get into a stable position on rings, hold for 4 seconds, then lower slowly (4 seconds) to the bottom – thats one.


Run 800m

Complete sets of 15-10-5-10-15 for time of:

Deadlift – B/W

Push ups

Run 800m