Stay stronger, longer

Supplements are exactly what they are called- They are meant to “supplement” your diet….not make up for poor eating habits. You cannot pill pop your way out of eating junk food. However, there are some little tricks to help mitigate the thrashing you put on your body from some of the vices we all enjoy….like having some Milk Thistle  to help cure a hang over.

But if it is longevity and feeling awesome as long as possible you wish you seek then check out this list of 11

Some of of them you may already have heard of…like Vitamin D (aka the sun!) and Fish Oil (aka Omega 3 fatty acids)

December 7, 2013 WOD

Bench Press- In 15 minutes establish a 1rm


KB Snatch


complete 21-15-9
RX 225/155
LV2 185/115
LV1 135/195