The start of the WLCWW is just a little more than 2 weeks away.  We know how daunting preparing for something like this can be, since it touches and effects so many different parts of your life.  To help you in this process, we’ve created a preparation checklist that will help you cover all the areas you need to cover before September 15th.

The list is in no particular order.  We recommend you print out this list, post it up on your refrigerator, and make sure you check off each item before the start of the Challenge.

WLCWW Preparation Checklist

  • Fill our your WLC profile page – include whatever relevant health stats that are important to you
  • Visit the WLC blog and read all posts from the beginning
  • Visit the WLC Forums and get involved in the conversation (at your gym and worldwide)
  • Print out allowable foods list, circle the things you like
  • Create simple, basic meal plan for yourself with 2 breakfasts, 2 snacks, 2 lunches and 2 dinners
  • Create your shopping list
  • Inventory your refrigerator and pantry – clean out any non-WLC compliant foods
  • Look at your schedule – pencil in where daily workouts and mobilizing will go.
  • Research restaurants in your area that offer menu items that are WLC compliant
  • Brainstorm rest-day movements/workouts that meet your needs of active recovery
  • Obtain mobilization tools for use at home during challenge – lax ball, pvc pipe, foam roller

WLCWW Workout Requirement – EVERY DAY for 56 days?  What?  That usually gets your attention!  The idea here is that you start to relate to yourself as something that is designed to move since your long-term health is dependent on not being sedentary.  No, we would NEVER ask you to go full intensity every day for 56 days – so understanding the difference between a workout and active recovery is essential.  In the following video, we will talk about the various ways to fulfill on the workout requirement so that you’re able to be consistent, and are successful at making movement a daily habit.

For all of you who would like to change over to the new membership plan and your are billed monthly  during the first week of the month and would like this bill to reflect the new rates, please come see me or send me an email stating which option you would like and I will do my best to make the change over in time.  Wow, that was a run on sentence if I ever wrote one!


August 30, 2012 WOD


BB Bench press 5-5-3-3-3-2-2-1


In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 DB squat clean to thruster

50 double unders/150 single unders