The 2016 Winter Whole Life Challenge has just ended and the results seen across the board were nothing short of amazing! Below are responses from our top 3 winners of the challenge when asked about the challenge and how it affected them. Whether you have done this challenge in the past or not, there is definitely something in this challenge for everyone. Congrats to everyone who took part in the challenge and we look forward to seeing you take part in the next one!
1) What was the biggest change you experienced while on the challenge? (better sleep, more energy, weight loss, learned something about yourself you didn’t know prior…)
“The biggest change I experienced was how I felt overall. It was funny, the cravings for pizza and a few cocktails never went away, but when I took the opportunity to indulge in one of them, my body didn’t feel as good. It definitely made it a lot easier to get back in the game after indulging in a treat”.
“The biggest change for me was how well I slept. Well, once I wasn’t peeing every 5 minutes. I think it was the lack of sugar. Reading labels
and cutting out all those “hidden” sugars. Who knew”!
“This all kept me on track for my 10-12 daily goals. I ate smaller portion sizes, always ensured that I had health snacks on hand. Forced myself to fit in all the little things (i.e., 100 sit-ups/night, stretching, etc).
Tried to work out with intensity at least 5 times per week and pushed myself to ski really hard on the weekends. This resulted in good sleep. I also kept a tracking sheet that I used to enter 10-12 things and it showed the progress (and setbacks) but helped me keep on track.
It was good that we also found a really great recipe to satisfy my sweet tooth. I’ve been paying particular attention to sugar intake”.
2) What was the hardest part of the challenge to overcome?
“The hardest part was the meditation. I’ve never meditated before. And it’s hard! Shutting your brain off and just relaxing. It seemed my mind would start to race and I’d think about all of the things I had to do AFTER meditating”.
“For me, the hardest part of the challenge was figuring out what to eat. I don’t like to spend a lot of time thinking about food or preparing
for the week but eventually, I learned”.
“The hardest part was time…..fitting it all in from a time perspective. Everything adds up, stretching, journaling, getting your WOD in (WLC adds 2+ hours to my day if you include food prep). There is already very little time in the day, but we made it a priority and stuck to it and put other things off for a while”.
3) If you lost any weight or inches on the challenge, how much was it?
“In all I lost 5 lbs and 2 inches off of my waist! While the scale weight loss wasn’t crazy, I definitely noticed that my clothes were a lot looser. I apologize to anyone who I may have accidently “mooned” when wearing my crossfit shorts”.
“I lost 10 lbs , not sure about inches since I didn’t take measurements when the Challenge began”.
“I lost about 13 lbs. during the challenge (this doesn’t include about 4lbs lost in 2016 prior to starting the challenge)
I lost almost 5 inches on my waist.
I actually gained about 1 inch around the hips/butt area.”
4) Will you continue any new habits you may have formed during the challenge now that it is over?
“I’m staying with the eating protocol. I learned a lot of delicious new recipes that I’m definitely going to continue”.
“I am trying to continue most of the habits I formed during the challenge. But hydration and the one drink a week seem to be the problem.
Other than that, I finally figured out the nutrition and really like eating cleaner.”
“I’d like to lose about 10 more pounds. So I will try to keep the workouts going and continue to regard sweet treats as special treats to have occasionally.
I’m really psyched to have these challenges to refocus attention. Each time we do them something typically sticks”.
Great job again to everyone who took on the challenge!
Coach Chris