Jul 2012
When Enough is Enough
I don’t know if it is just me, but is anyone else full of energy and rearing to do even more work (run, bike, etc…) after a daily WOD? I’m being sarcastic if you didn’t pick up on that. I have been noticing a few of you – not mentioning any names – that feel the need somehow, to do even more work after the workout of the day is over. This should not be the case almost 100 percent of the time. This screams out – YOUR NOT PUSHING YOURSELF AS HARD AS YOU SHOULD DURING YOUR WORKOUT!!! After a typical daily WOD, you should be picking up your body parts and carrying them home with you in your gym bag. If this is not the case, it could be for several reasons. First, you are new and are still learning the moves, which is totally understandable. In this case, your intensity by nature should still be low while you become competent and consistent with good movement patterns. Instead of going out for a leisurely run or engaging in a spin class after your WOD, try mobilizing those tight joints and muscles that are holding you back, as well as spending a few minutes practicing and reinforcing good technique. Second, if you are good with the movements in the days WOD, maybe it is that you are scaling your WOD so much that it is not offering enough of a stimulus to make it worth while. The WOD’s by design are not meant to be sustainable, meaning you should not be able to breeze through them with out having to stop for a brief periods throughout. So discard the notion that if you cant do 30 overhead kb swings or 50 pull ups in a row for 5 straight rounds, then the weight must be lowered. Its not always about how fast you get it done all the time, rather, it should be about having to strategize, breaking sets into more manageable smaller tasks, and putting up a good fight to make it to the end. Think of it as battle. Victories never come with out a great fight! If you ever have any concerns about how to scale a WOD up or down to make it more appropriate for your level of fitness, just ask a coach and we will be delighted to make recommendations based on your current status.
All in all, I am super excited with the level of progress each and every one of you have made in just 3 short months! Keep up the solid effort and consistency and just think of where you will be in just another 6 months to a year. This stuff is truly life changing. If you have a success story you would like to share, feel free to email us at info@crossfitmagnitude.com.
July 11, 2012 WOD
Level 1:
BB Acrobatics:
Power clean 3-3-3-3-3
Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 (Tempo 3211)
In 12 minutes, complete AMRAP of:
7 Ground to over head press 135/95
14 Pull ups
Level 2:
Power clean
Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 (Tempo 3211)
In 12 minutes, complete AMRAP of:
5 ground to overhead press 95/65
10 Pull ups (Band if necessary)