Jun 2012
Whats under your hood?
A new addition to the schedule, CrossFit Girls Teen program, is starting 6/19 from 5:30-6:30 pm. on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Ages 12-16 are welcome. Email info@crossfitmagnitude.com or call (781)-319-7154 for more info!
I just watched a great video at MobilityWOD.com about performance. Here is the context that goes with the video. This is Kelly Starrett’s very own words:
“I’ve long maintained that you are an infinite healing machine, at any age, forever. This simple equation reads: Right Lifestyle + Right Movement = Perfect Healing/Adaptation Human Machine.
The problem has been in our ability to effectively measure and quantify our lifestyles (effects of sleep/nutrition/stress/hydration, etc.) I’m not sure who said it but I believe it; what can be measured can be managed. I begin every seminar I teach talking about the impacts of poor hydration and nutrition on the qualities of your body’s tissues (and of course performance). The problem with lifestyle is that many of it’s implications on the human being are pathognomic/lagging indicator in nature. Your crappy nutrition doesn’t show up right away. You can buffer poor sleep for a long, long time. How do you know you are eating ok? You don’t. It’s like having terrible deadlifting form and mechanics and saying, I haven’t been injured yet! You will be. It’s just that your body has a few built in duty cycles before it starts to get pissy. Look, if you are serious about living to be 120 years old and kicking ass, you’ve got to know what’s happening under the hood. Just because you are Gluten Free, doesn’t mean you aren’t pre-diabetic for a couple of days after getting one bad night’s sleep, or that your cortisol isn’t flipped. (You can test your own blood sugar anytime you know…) Variables concerning performance have to be observable, measurable, and repeatable. If you are playing like you are elite, you had better make sure the details of your lifestyle are supporting you.” – Kelly Starrett – MobilityWod.com
What Kelly is stressing is that you should have a blood panel done regularly to ensure all systems are a go. The doctors can do this for you, however, the amount of indicators you will receive is minimal compared to what you will receive if you do the same by visiting WellnessRX. WellnessFx is badass. But what is really badass is that they have simple panel that is affordable. Click here for more info: WellnessFx.
Check them out for yourself and know for sure how things are running under your hood!
June 4, 2012 WOD
In 15 minutes, establish a 3 rep max high bar back squat
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 rounds, 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest between rounds. No rest between transitions.
Wall ball 20/14# – 1 rep/1 point
Sumo dead lift high pull 75/55# – 1 rep/1 point
Push press 75/55# – 1 rep/1 point
Box jump 20″ – 1 rep/1 point
Row – 1 calorie/1 point
Advanced Class:
Barbell Acrobatics:
In 12 minutes, establish a 3rm Clean & jerk
1a) Front Squat 5-5-5-5
1b) Weighted pull up 3-3-3-3
“Fight Gone Bad”