Sep 2012
Weekly Challenge = Bonus Points
Each week of the WLCWW will introduce a new “Weekly Challenge” for all participants. The idea of these challenges is to draw in other types healthy and productive daily practices that enhance health and well-being… and to add some week-by-week variety and fun to the game. To make them a relevant part of the Challenge, each successfully completed Weekly Challenge is worth 2 bonus points toward your overall lifestyle score. So as you might gather, these points can be a very important and valuable part of the game.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about Weekly Challenges and bonus points.
- The “quest for a perfect score” is usually not strong enough to last through the Challenge. The key is to not let missing points completely derail your participation.
- Bonus points are actually BONUS points – they will NOT add to your score above and beyond a perfect score total.
- Bonus points will be applied to a participant’s score any time they fall below the possible perfect score for that week.
- The Challenge is designed to bring light to the everyday choices we all must make as participants in life. By looking at the consequences of a choice (losing a point), it becomes very clear that EVERY choice you make has an impact – most aren’t that clear cut (Is the joy, happiness and stress-reduction I experience when I eat a bowl of ice cream more important or life sustaining than the negative impact on my blood sugar levels and insulin production?) Although we have points and bonus points as part of the challenge, neither they, nor their implication, are more important that your awareness of your choices and their effect on your life.
Quick story – in the first WLC, I went completely off of Diet Coke (my 3rd or 4th attempt at this by the way). I haven’t had one since. I didn’t do very well in terms of points in the WLC, but I would say that that result ALONE made my participation MORE than worth while! - Bonus points give participants the freedom to lose a point or two here or there, and still “stay in the game”, engaging in a realistic practice where total restriction isn’t the key to success.
Hopefully you’re getting by now that the Whole Life Challenge has little or nothing to do with winning or scoring points. We use them in playing the WLC game because they are useful in helping us become aware and accountable for the every day choices we make. If you make at least one healthy habit change over 56 days that stick, THAT is a result that makes the effort worth while!
7 days and a wakeup until the game begins!! Can’t wait!
September 8, 2012 WOD
3x press, push press, push jerk – start with a low weight (50% of your 1rm press) and go through a continuous cycle of 1 press – 1 push press – 1 push jerk – until you get to 30. If you make it to 30, raise weight next set 5-10%. If you fail to make 30 reps, lower weight and repeat.
In 9 minutes, complete sets of 3-6-9-12-15-18,etc…trying to get as far as possible performing:
squat thrusters
sumo dead lift high pull
Rx – 115/95
Lv2 – 95/75
Lv1 – 75/55