

Weightlifting Wednesday


Muscle Snatch – In 6 minutes, work up to a heavy triple.


Hi-Hang Snatch – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy triple.


Hi-Hang Clean – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy double.


Clean Lift Off – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy triple.


Jerk Balance 4×3 @ 40-70% of 1RM Jerk

Magnitude Scoop

Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg every day in the “Couch Stretch”.  This does not have to be all at one time, so break it up as necessary.  Consistency is key, so make it your focus for 10 minutes every day this week.  For full details of this stretch and to learn more about it how it can help you, click HERE!