
1 Hi-Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat – Work to a challenging weight and then perform 5 sets of complex


Snatch Push Press – 3 sets of 5 reps at a challenging weight, across.


In 90 seconds…

8 DB Clusters

8 Toes to Bar

If performed within time limit move on to:

In 90 seconds

10 DB Clusters

10 Toes to Bar

If performed within time limit move on to:

In 90 seconds

12 DB Clusters

12 Toes to Bar

If performed within time limit move on to:

In 90 seconds

14 DB Clusters

14 Toes to Bar

Continue this cycle, adding 2 reps to each movement, as long as you can.

Score is total reps performed.

Rx: 40/30

Int: 35/25

Beg: 30/20