Weightlifting Wednesday


Power Clean (T&G) – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy 5 reps.

Note: The goal here is to work on cycling reps, re-engaging the hook grip between reps, and maintaining good balance and positioning throughout.


Dip Clean 3×3@45-60% of 1RM Clean


Push Jerk + Split Jerk 4×2+2 – Heaviest possible

Magnitude Scoop

Winter Detox – Starts January 20th

Coach Caitlin will be heading up a 30 day nutritional detox program that is based on eating clean, real food. You’ll learn how to give your body the right type of nutrition based on your goals, as well as your level of health, fitness and activity level.  The challenge starts this Friday!

To sign up click HERE!

Also, this upcoming Saturday, the company Bear Grips will be coming to our 8:00am class to let you guys demo their products during the WOD.  The workout will have all the movements necessary to put their gear to the test and allow you to realize the benefits of having them on hand for your next WOD!