Weightlifting Wednesday


Front Squat (Tempo 3211) 3@50%, 3@55%, 3@60%


Hang (Squat) Clean 3×3@60%

Paused (Squat) Clean (4” above knee) 3×3@65%

(Squat) Clean 1×3@70%,1×3@75%,1×3@80%


Push Press 5-5-5

Push Jerk 3-3-3

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

Note: Start at moderate load and ascend in weight throughout all movements and sets.

Magnitude Scoop

The Labor Day week(end) schedule is as follows:

Friday – All classes, except 5:30pm

Saturday – All regularly scheduled classes and open gym

Sunday – Closed

Monday (Labor Day) – Closed

We hope you have an awesome rest of the summer, and look forward to hitting it hard this fall with you!