Aug 2012
We had it all wrong all along!
For the past… oh as long as I can recall, we have all been lead to believe that when we injure some part of our body or have created some kind of inflammation that the proper thing to do is take some sort of anti-inflammatory and ICE. In the world of sports medicine we have actually been told to do R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). I have always had a funny feeling about this approach. My belief was that if our body inflammed itself in response to an ailment, injury, or some kind of acute trauma, why on earth would it make sense to reverse this by driving inflammation out and away. Well today I stumbled upon a shift in the old paradigm to a new upgraded version. NO ICE! Im not going to try and explain why ‘No Ice’ is a better approach than using it, I will let the professionals over at MWOD.com do so via a quick blog and semi-long (26 minute) video courtesy of Kelly Starrett. Find a good half hour to take this information in and process it as it will serve you hopefully for the rest of your life, especially as a CrossFit athlete!
CLASS SCHEDULE UPDATE: For the days during the week of August 15 – August 21 there will be a reduction in classes due to the absence of one of our coaches. There will be no 5:30 am classes during this time period. There will also be a few other misc. classes that will not be available. So if you do not notice a regular class time present on the schedule that you usually take, it is temporarily unavailable. All regular class times will resume after August 22.
August 10, 2012 WOD
Clean & Jerk 7×3 (heaviest possible)
This WOD will follow the same format as fight gone bad. There will be three rounds of five different exercises each lasting 1 minute long. At the end of the fifth exercise you will be given a 1 minute rest period. Your score will be the total amount of reps performed throughout the entire WOD.
3 rounds for total reps of:
Box jump
Hand release push up
Kb sumo dead lift high pull
Wall ball
Row (calories)
Rx – 24/20″ box, 52/36# kb, 20/14# WB
Lv 2 – 20/16″ box, 44/25# kb, 14/10# WB
Lv 3 – 16/12″ Box, 36/20# kb, 12/8# WB