Sep 2012
We are all diversely the same
In the past 5 months I have had the opportunity to work with many different people from all walks of life. Short people, tall people. Skinny people, over weight people. Supple ones, and those as stiff as a board. Those who sit all day and those who remain on their feet. I could go on and on about the vast amount of differences we all have as individuals, but there is one thing we all have in common – That want or desire for a better way of life, an increased state of fitness. Wanting to be fit is a choice, a choice you all made before becoming a member. Now its all about how you handle that choice. Will you fail or will you succeed? Are you 100% committed or half on the fence? Are you willing to lay it on the table each and every work out or do you just go through the motions and applaud your attendance? Making the choice to achieve a better way of life and staying committed to yourself and your goals is only one part of the plan. Giving it your all each and everyday knowing that tomorrow is going to be better than today because of it is what it’s all about! This is a journey, a life long journey. This is CrossFit!
My intentions are to get everyone involved in the Whole life challenge on the same page by holding a pre-game huddle. This will entail getting all of you in the same place at the same time – something I would like to make mandatory but understand that it is not totally possible to do based on everyones differing schedules. My thoughts are to have it this Saturday, September, 8, 2012 at 10:30. We will be going over all the fine details of this challenge as well as answering all of your questions and concerns. There is a teleconference this Thursday at 6:45 for all Athletes participating and can be accessed via this link HERE! This will be VERY informative to everyone who plans on participating. More to come on this tomorrow.
September 05, 2012 WOD
BB acrobatics/skill
5×2 Clean & jerk (75-85% of your 1rm) DEMO
Notes: If you do not have a solid front squat or push jerk, give these attention first!
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes, complete the following:
5 ground to overhead
5 burpee
5 box jump
Rx – 135/95, 24/20″
Lv2 – 115/75, 20/16″
Lv1 – 95/55, 16/12″