Aug 2012
If you are a new member to CrossFit Magnitude or a seasoned (however short it has been so far) vet, chances are, you have probably been grilled at some point about your movement pattern standards, your eagerness to move forward when there is a great need to stay where you currently are, or for your lack of acknowledging a cue by a coach because you believe you have a it all figured out. With the excitement of starting something new like CrossFit, it is easy to see past the basics, and become eager to move on to more advanced, technical, and eloborate ways of training. This is a big mistake. Greg Glassman posted an article back in 2005 on Virtuosity. This article was aimed at CrossFit trainers, but I think it would serve our community greatly if they new that I feel exactly as Greg does on the matter of keeping it basic, and to take the necessary steps required to not hinder your progress on your journey to greater fitness. This article is a must read for everyone veteran status and novice alike. I think we all need a better understanding of what Virtuosity is and how to better obtain it. Take 5 minutes and read this great article courtesy of Greg Glassman and CrossFit.com HERE!
For those of you who forgot to sign up today or could not locate the proper signup link, click HERE!
If you want to find out more on how the contest works and learn how to navigate the contest site – Click HERE!
August 16, 2012 WOD
1a) Press 2-2-2-2-2 (increase weight throughout all 5 sets)
1b) Bent over row 5×8 (heaviest possible)
Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes, perform:
10 lateral over the top box jumps
10 muscle snatch
Rx – 20/16″, 75/55#
Lv2 – 16/12″, 65/45#
Lv1 – 12/6″, 55/35#
WOD for Night Class Only
In teams of 2, complete the following:
Run 1 mile
30 Dead lift
40 Lateral over the top box jumps
250 Jump rope
25 Burpees
50 Wall ball
Rx – 135/105#, 20/16″, 20/14#
Lv2 – 115/95#, 16/12″, 14/10#
Lv1 – 95/75#, 12/6″, 12/8#
Notes:You may partition the reps however you like. Each teammate must perform prescribed amount of reps.