Aug 2012
* The class schedule for the days we will be short staffed (8/15-8/21) has been set. Make sure to check the schedule and note the new (temporary) changes.
I know this summer is still upon us, but I wanted to give a heads up to all of the spinners out there that we will be running a special for the month of September. Our prices for spin cards will be:
Walk-In: $10
5 rides: $40 ($8 per ride) expires in 3 months
10 rides: $70 ($7 per ride) expires in 6 months
20 rides: $120 ($6 per ride) expires in 6 months
30 rides: $150 ($5 per ride) expires in 12 months
50 rides: $200 ($4 per ride) expires in 12 months
Unlimited – Monthly $75
We will also be running a CrossFit Membership Discount for all new members at 15% of all membership packages. This can not be used with any other discounts.
I am contemplating going to an entirely different membership type in the near future. This WILL NOT affect any CURRENT members. If you are a member now, you are locked into the rate you started with FOREVER as long as you stay an ACTIVE member, despite any changes to our membership prices. You will however have the option to choose the option of switching over to the new proposed membership plan. It will look something like this:
Membership type – Unlimited only – No other option
12 month commitment – $150/month
6 month commitment – $175/month
month to month – $200
Couples – $275/month
Military/First Responder/Teacher/Student Rates:
12 month commitment – $125/month
6 month commitment – $150/month
month to month – $175
Couples – $250/month
This is just a thought at the moment but am strongly considering changing over to this new membership model. Like I said, if you are happy with the membership you have now, you can stay with it – FOREVER!
All feedback will be greatly appreciated!
August 11, 2012 WOD
Heaving snatch balance 5×3 (heaviest possible)
Team WOD
In 12 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
30 air squats
Overhead press of any type
Note: While Athlete 1 is air squatting Athlete 2 is pressing. The goal is to accumulate, as a team, as many presses in the 12 minute time frame as possible. Athletes switch amongst themselves each time Athlete 1 finishes the 30 air squats. Post total reps to the whiteboard.
Rx - 95/75#
Lv2 - 75/55#
Lv1 - 55/35#