


Bent Arm Chin Hold 1×60 sec (palms facing in, straight line body position, chin clearly over bar)

Pull-Up Negative 5×10 sec (lower as slow as possible, palms facing away)

Dead Hang 1×60 sec (stay relaxed, feel stretch through lats and shoulders)


Open WOD 12.3


15 Box Jump 24/20″

12 Push Press 115/75#

9 Toes to Bar

Score equals total reps.

Magnitude Scoop

Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg, every day this week, restoring dysfunction to your hamstrings.  To learn about technique and watch a demo, check out MWODs Kelly Starret in this short video  HERE!

The October Challenge has started!  With unlimited attempts throughout the month, accumulate as many calories as possible in one minute on the assault bike.  Post score to whiteboard.