
“Sweat Junkie”

With a running clock, perform the following:


75 Double Under

5 Pull-Up

10 Push-Up

15 KB Swing (53/36#)

3:00-4:00 – Rest


40 Wall Ball (20/14#)

10 Pull-Up 

15 Push-Up

20 KB Swing

8:00-9:00 – Rest


400m Run

15 Pull-Up

20 Push-Up

25 KB Swing

14:00-15:00 – Rest


Row 500m

20 Pull-Up

25 Push-Up

30 KB Swing

Note: Regardless of where you end up at each break point, you must stop and take the minute rest, then proceed to next time portion of the WOD.  Score will be total combined reps of Pull-ups, Push-ups, and KB swings.  A perfect score would be 135 reps.