
Press/Push Press/Push Jerk x30

If you achieved all 30 reps last week, add 10-20# to the last weight used.  If you achieved 21-29 reps, keep the weight the same, and try for 30 again. If you achieved under 20 reps, lower the weight by 5-20# and try for 30 again.

Complete a set of Press, when you can no longer press, continue the set performing a Push Press, when you can no longer perform a Push Press, continue the set performing a Push Jerk.  The goal is to hit 30 reps in total, taking each movement to volitional failure. Make note of weight and total reps.


3 sets of:

5 Kipping Pull-ups – each rep followed by a 3-5 second chin over bar hold + 3-5 second negative


3 giant sets of:

Wall Walk + 20 Shoulder Taps

L-Sit Hold – As long as possible

Dips (ring or bar) – Max reps

Ring Rows – Max reps