
Back Squat to box – 10 minutes to a heavy set of 5

Tempo 32X1 (3 sec descent, 2 sec pause on box, explode fast to top, rest 1 sec)

Set box to parallel, rest as needed.


Not for time, complete the following:

Accumulate 2 minutes in Headstand

Accumulate 90 seconds in Ring Support hold

Accumulate 60 seconds in an L-Sit


In 6 minutes…

30 Double-unders

Db Box Step up – starting with 4 reps and adding 4 every round.

(1 rep is one step-up)

Score is total Db step-ups

Rx: 50/35, 24/20

Int: 40/25, 20/16

Beg: 30/15, 16/12