

Bent Arm Chin Hold 1×75 sec (palms facing in, straight line body position, chin clearly over bar)

Pull-Up Negative 6×10 sec (lower as slow as possible, palms facing away)

Dead Hang 1×75 sec (stay relaxed, feel stretch through lats and shoulders)



Run 200m

Rope Climb x1

Double Under x30

BB (back rack) Box Step-Up x12 steps (alternating legs) 95/65#

(use box that puts your upper leg parallel to ground)

Magnitude Scoop

***Reminder***  We will be placing our event tee-shirt order for the Magnitude Open on Monday, October 24th.  Just make sure when you register, you click on your tee-shirt size.  There will not be any extras, however, if you were planning on attending the event without competing, you can still make a donation via the link below and receive an event tee-shirt.

 To sign up – Click HERE!