Jun 2014
Three MUSTS for getting better at weightlifting
Everyone knows Olympic weightlifting is hard, and many people do not look forward to snatch and clean day….at least not at first ;-D. But rest assured that with time, you will get better, and what felt like a set of awkward movements your coach yells at you, will become second-nature. There are three things that you need to focus on if you want to become a better weightlifter. The three factors coaches look for in athletes are flexibility, speed, and strength. It is important that those factors are addressed in that order.
The first- flexibility…why is that first? well simple. If you want to optimize your weightlifting training and be able to reach your full potential with your overhead squat, jerk, clean, or snatch, you need to be able to reach full ROM….that stands for range of motion. What that means is you need to be able to get in the bottom of a front squat with your elbows parallel and back straight if you want to be able to hit your TRUE clean max. It also means, you need to be able to lock out overhead with your armpits facing the sky (external rotation) and a upright torso.
Case and point- If you want to reach your true potential and lift maximum weight, or just move properly and safely, then you MUST MUST MUST be flexible enough to hit certain positions.
The second piece of the puzzle is speed. In the CrossFit world, we define weightlifting as “moving large loads, long distances, quickly” …note the word quickly. Coach Mike Burgener, guru weightlifting coach is famous for saying “I’d rather have an athlete that is fast and weak, than an athlete that is slow and strong”. Everyone has a limit of how much they can lift with their arms. when you reach that weight limit, you must learn how to get yo’ ass underneath the bar FAST!
The last factor in being able to lift like this guy, is …you got it, strength. If you want to be strong you need to go through the process, and it is not a quick one. Once you hit the other two preliminary factors (flexibility and speed), strength is the magic ingredient to upgrade your weightlifting skills. Professional weightlifters, like Dmitry Klokov, are some of the strongest people on the planet, and you could be too. You just need to put the time in.
Show up to Oly lifting days, ask your coach to tweak your form, and address your mobility issues.