May 2014
Three Healthful Sauces To Spice Up Your Food.
1: Hollandaise Sauce
Now, we know what some of you may be thinking. “Really guys, you are telling me that dousing my lean chicken breast with gobs of butter and egg yolk is good for me….you are full of s*$t…I am going back to planet fitness”.
Well hear us out on this one. It turns out some of the fats that we grew up being told where dangerous are in fact vital for our health. Now that does not give you the golden ticket to start downing bacon like oxygen. However feel good knowing you can consume these foods with your health in mind. Because lets face it! Butter is dam delicious!
On to the Hollandaise! Remember Julia Child?
Quick Notes:
- Add your yolks, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to a blender, then blend it until its all incorporated. Melt your butter until the foaming stops, and, while the butter is still very hot, slowly stream it into the running blender. The heat from the butter “cooks” the eggs gently in the same way a double boiler would. You might want to have a little more butter on hand because this can come out a bit thicker than traditional hollandaise. After the butter is done, throw in a pinch of dill, tarragon, cayenne, or whatever you like.
- Easy hollandaise without ending up with Popeye arms. 🙂
2: Green Sauce
Green things are healthy right! Plus who said sauce has to be brown, or red anyway….silly french, think they know everything. When you have fresh herbs on hand, making a green sauce is simple as a few ingredients and a blender. Argentinian Chimichurri goes great on meat and vegetables, as does Salsa Verde or your conventional Italian Pesto
Here is another vintage video to get you on the green sauce band wagon.
3: Hot Sauce
Sure you could go with the store bought brand but like anything else, homemade is just so much better. With hotsauce, it is simple too. Not to mention a good rule of thumb for nutrition is this: Most things that are bitter and spicy (ex. cacao and chili peppers) are typically very complex nutrient dense foods that are very healthy. If only that was the case for cupcakes life would be a lot easier.