Jul 2012
Staying on Track
How many of you know what weight you left off with in the last few weeks in the squat, press, deadlift, etc…If your scratching your head right now, chances are, you have no idea. Training the CrossFit way, or any way in general, we are constantly striving to make improvements in one way or another. One of the ways we measure improvements, especially in strength, is to gauge our increases in certain lifts as our training moves forward. If you have not been recording each and every set in each and every workout, then you are taking out one of the most valuable keys to control making steady gains. Every week, especially for our strength portion, we are using specific functional movements that improve your fitness in one way or another. Knowing where you left of last week gives you a great advantage going into future workouts because it offers a new starting point. If you don’t know where you left off, chances are, you are starting where you started before and ending in the exact same place. Having good records of your past attempts at the same lift will give you motivation at the very least to do better than you did last time. If you don’t know where I am going with this, what I am trying to say is – get a log book and start recording your every move. This takes mere seconds in between each set (when your standing around resting anyway) and will contribute immensely to your overall success. If you need a training journal full with all types of training and dieting tips, stop by our pro-shop and pick one up today. You will not only start to make more noticable improvements, but will have a diary to look back on that will give you all the feedback necessary for you to decide whether or not what your doing is working for you.
July 24, 2012 WOD
Level 1
BB Acrobatics:
5×2 3-position snatch pull + 1 high hang snatch (heaviest possible)
Rest 60 seconds
4×3 Snatch grip push press (heaviest possible)
Rest 60 seconds
150 wall ball for time 20/14
Level 2
1) 5×5 Muscle snatch (heaviest possible)
Rest 60 seconds
2) 4×3 Overhead squat (heaviest possible)
Rest 60 seconds
“Karren” (scaled)
100 Wall ball 20/14