Mar 2013
Spotlight Athlete Profile
Today, our featured Spotlight Athlete is Ryan H. I must say if there was a contest based on making the most drastic improvements in such a short span of time, Ryan would definitely be a top contender.
Name: Ryan H.
Hometown: NY, NY
Age: n/a
Occupation: n/a
When did you first start CrossFitting? End of July 2012
When did you first start training at CFM? August 2012
Favorite WOD: Murph
Least favorite WOD: Chelsea
Tell us about your sport & fitness background: Past fitness included lots of running, cycling, surfing, snowboarding, pull ups, push ups, dips….
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD…What was it and how did it feel? Word on the street brought me in…Can’t remember the first WOD, but it damn near killed me.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after)? It’s incredible how strong you become in such a short amount of time. I hadn’t really seen my abs since they left for college. Seems like they are starting to come back around.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I have endless energy at the end of the day to play with my kids and to enjoy my life more. It has been nothing but positive!
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/CFM moments. The first time I strung 10 double unders together…I was hoping someone saw me do it…Hah! The first time I finished an Rx WOD. I can remember running out the door for the run portion of the WOD and I was the first one out. I kept thinking that I missed a portion.
Any advice for people just getting started? Go easy on the weight. Find someone in class to chase. For me it was Mark C., Caitlin C., and Jon S. They’ve inspired me since the beginning. Pay attention to the details, Coach Chris will give you lots of them. Keep on pushing yourself.
What are your hobbies, interests, and/or talents outside of CrossFit? 1 spend 95% of my time with my family. The other 5% I spend romancing my vintage Triumph.
March 7, 2013 WOD
BB Acrobatics
Snatch 7×2 (heaviest possible)