Jun 2018
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Lauren Lacara
- How young are you? I am 46 ☺
- Where were you born and where did you grow up? I was born in Medford and proud to say I grew up in Rockland.
- If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? I would love the ability to control time: to slow it down when things are going really well like in the summer and when my kids are growing up too fast and speed it up during not so fun times like sitting in traffic, or a boring meeting or when someone I love is sick or suffering. I have always wished I could sing well enough to perform. I would make pizza a health food.
- What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? I love the deadlift, clean and jerk and power clean. Also like wallballs, running and sit-ups.
- If you won a million dollars, what’s your first purchase? A beach property in Cabo San Lucas and Cape Cod. A brand new golden retriever puppy. A professional grocery food shopper and full time cook. Too much?
- What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I’ve become stronger, both physically and mentally, have more stamina and energy, run faster, sleep better, take more chances and am MUCH more aware of what I eat. Put simply: treat your body well, and it treats you well. The Whole Life Challenges I’ve done at the box were eye opening. Garbage in, garbage out. Something Coach Chris said years ago that I never forgot: you cannot out exercise a shitty diet. I say that to myself everyday. I’m educated on what I need to eat to perform and feel good. I know my body needs protein to do anything well, I drink more water than I thought possible. I have very little use for alcohol other than the occasional good glass of wine with dinner. My focus is on being healthy, not being a certain weight or PRing a specific movement.
- Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? I thought I was in shape before joining CrossFit. My first wod told me I wasn’t. I didn’t have many misconceptions coming in, I just knew I wanted in. I had been to various other gyms and had been running for years and knew I needed something more. The intensity and variety of the workouts is what I wanted. The close supportive community and amazing friends I’ve made are extras I didn’t expect. ☺ My favorite thing about CrossFit is it’s the only thing I do where I think of nothing else!
- Any advice to new members getting started? Stick with it, ask for help, be consistent. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else: there will always be someone better and worse than you. And remember there are so many people that don’t have the courage to even walk into a box.
- What are you up to when you’re not at CFM? Working as a high school guidance counselor, driving my girls to/from practice or games, running, cleaning my house, spending time with friends. In the summer, AT THE BEACH
- Tell us something most people do not know about you? I try to meditate daily. Life is crazy and it helps me stay grounded. When I’m disciplined about it and make it a priority, things go more smoothly all around. I’m thrilled my 12 year old is into it now and asks me to meditate every night. Good habits start early!