Feb 2020
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Darrick M.
Are you in the Over or Under 40 age group? Over
Roughly, how long have you been CrossFitting for? 6 years in February was my first class! But started taking it more seriously about 5 years ago.
What was the driving force behind your decision to start? I hit my late 30s and the conventional gym and pushing around weights for 45 minutes was no longer working. I started putting on a little weight and realized I needed to take a heartburn pill every morning. It was time for a change.
What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? The deadlift, strict pull-ups and pushups
If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? I would like the ability to heal anyone. I hate injuries and watching people/animals suffer. It isn’t fair and makes no sense. But if you could take away someone’s pain? That would be amazing.
What sort of changes to your body, health, and fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? When brushing my teeth with my shirt off, my belly no longer shakes for 5 minutes after I stop. It’s down to 4 minutes now. In all seriousness, no more daily medications, sleeping better, more energy, just overall feel healthy. I look at pictures from 6 years ago and I look completely like a different person.
Did you ever have any misconceptions before starting CrossFit that you now disagree with? I thought CrossFit was about flipping tired and people who got hurt. Well, I’ve only ever flipped tires once and our awesome coaches teach the right way to move so we won’t get hurt.
Any advice to new members getting started? Check your ego at the door! CrossFit is equal parts rewarding and humbling.
What are you up to when you’re not at CFM? In the summer I play a lot of softball. Last year about 75 games. I also really love spending time with my awesome wife Lisa and our two amazing dogs, Bob Barker and Travis Barker.
Tell us something most people do not know about you? I’m a big lawn guy. It’s the super power that I already have. LESCO fertilizer is the way to go. All about fertilizing every 6 weeks, semi-annual grub protection and mowing every 3 to 4 days. It’s important to make sure your soil Ph is optimal for deep root growth.