Aug 2017
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Melissa M.
1. Member name: Melissa Mamary
2. Age: 35
3. Occupation: Chief Domestic Engineer
4. How long have you been a member at CFM? A little over 8 months.
5. How often do you CrossFit? 4 days a week, sometimes 5 if I can.
6. Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I vaguely remember the WOD itself, but I definitely remember being so nervous and anxious. I also remember barely finishing and getting my butt kicked because it was next to impossible! My first class was a 9am on a Monday. The best part of the class, besides actually being able to finish, was the people. I never felt more at home at a gym than I did that day. It was scary to do something that was miles outside my comfort zone, but when the WOD was done, and everyone high fived and welcomed me to Magnitude, I knew I would love it here.
7. What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? My favorite movement is the deadlift, and I also love to row.
8. What has been your biggest challenge to overcome so far? My knees are in rough shape so I have to scale based on that. I also had two shoulder surgeries before I started so I need to be weary of that, and listen to my body as much as possible.
9. What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? I honestly had no idea how CrossFit would change me. I have never felt so strong in my life. I have been working hard to reach goals I have set for myself, and my stamina is way up. I just feel fantastic and accomplished every time I finish a WOD.
10. What has been your biggest achievement thus far, and what do you believe has been critical to its success? I RX’d my first workout that featured deadlifts on the 17th. I decided going in that I wanted to do it, and I did! I couldn’t believe it but I think adding a fourth day to my week, or sometimes a fifth, helped me. It also has so much to do with amazing coaching, and the encouragement of coaches and fellow CrossFitters that make all the difference.
11. What do you hope to achieve in the next 6 months, and how do you plan to get there? In the next 6 months I hope to keep heading down the path I am on. I want to try to keep getting stronger so I can reach my goal of a 250 lb deadlift, and work more on my confidence when it comes to various lifts over my head. I’d also like to work on pull ups without a band. I plan to get there by eating right and working hard every time I’m at Magnitude.
12. Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? I think going into anything you don’t know much about can be scary. CrossFit was one of those things I thought I could never do because I was not strong enough, I couldn’t run, I wasn’t as fit as others, or any number of things. I realized when I started that anyone who wants to, can do it. It is impressive to me how almost everything can be scaled for people that have issues or injuries. It has been an amazing experience for me and I really wish I had given it a try sooner.
13. Any advice to new members getting started? I think it’s important for new members to know that it is totally normal to be nervous in the beginning. Take it slow, check your ego at the door (I’m still working on that one), and know that we were all new once! It is a community, and everyone is here to help and encourage you to be your own personal best.
14. What are your hobbies outside of the CrossFit box? I like reading, crocheting, traveling with my family.
15. Tell us something most people do not know about you? I am fluent in Italian and I am an Italian citizen.