Oct 2016
Spotlight Athlete of the Month – Hilary N.
- Member name: Hilary Newcomb
- Age: 34
- Occupation: Medical Aesthetician
- How long have you been a member at CFM? 2012
- How often do you CrossFit? 5/week
- Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I don’t remember exactly what my first wod was, I was too busy trying not to die.
- What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform?
Give me anything with a barbell and I am a happy girl!. Let me snatch and i just may kiss you! - What has been your biggest challenge to overcome so far? RUNNING
- What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit? Before I stepped into CFM I had never had a positive body image in my life unless i was doing it in an extremely unhealthy way. Now a days my mother told me just last week “my muscles were getting too big and defined looking” i smiled and told her thanks. For the firs time I see my hard work & consistency paying off, not only in the box but in the kitchen by learning its not a diet i have to follow but a lifestyle i choose to use to fuel my body to do amazing things.
- What has been your biggest achievement thus far, and what do you believe has been critical to its success?
Honestly stop making excuse on why I am not good at something. Not letting injury or outside influences restrict my progress & ability. Instead I have learned to find my weaknesses and break them down and work patiently to get better. My “I can’t has become I will”
- What do you hope to achieve in the next 6 months, and how do you plan to get there? Beating Coach Caitlin at a metcon!….lololol more like life goal!! but in the nest 6 months I think i can look forward to competing in my first completion with some of the most inspiring CrossFitters that make fitness fun for me for the first time in my life!!
- Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with? That you will be good at everything …Crossfit is unique in the fact that there are too many facets to the sport it would almost be impossible, in my opinion, to be perfect at everything.. there is always something to improve upon, something new to learn to apply to make your game a little stronger, fast better. It keeps me interested and keeps me humble.
- Any advice to new members getting started?
Keep coming, don’t be scared to ask anyone anything, we were all exactly where you are now…dont give up, you will never regret coming into the box but you will regret staying home!! - What are your hobbies outside of the CrossFit box?
I am a beach babe who loves to be boating, on paddleboards or water skis. when the weather gets cold & I mean a brisk 60 degrees, its the mountains to board or knitting bundled up by the fire. This year lets try climbing things!! - Tell us something most people do not know about you?
I would never want anyone to know what I am listening toon my head phones when I work out!!…hahaha