

In teams of two, complete the following:

In 4 minutes, complete max reps of:

Wall Balls (20/14#)

Rest 2 minutes

In 4 minutes, complete max reps of:

Deadlift (bodyweight average between two partners)

Rest 2 minutes

In 4 minutes, complete max reps of:

Medicine Ball Side Pass – 12′ distance between partners – (one rep is achieved when both partners throw to each other).

* If ball drops at any time, a 5 burpee penalty is awarded on the spot!

Rest 2 minutes

In 4 minutes, complete max reps of:

Partner Wheel Barrow Walk (one rep is 25′)

In 2 minutes, complete max reps of:

Barbell Curl (45/35#)

Rest 1 minute

In 2 minutes, complete max reps of:

Banded Tricep Push Down