May 2012
Revisiting the past…
I was reading some old posts out of the CrossFit.com archives and came across a few great words by Coach G. They are all taken out of context but offer immense value when applied to your CrossFit pursuit of elite fitness.
“Success comes here by pacing and not going to failure on any set.” – I know you all hear me saying this daily. It is a lot harder to recover from complete failure and fatigue than it is stopping just prior to that.
“Don’t be foolish and fill in with any met-con (cardio) or other work.
You don’t know what looms!” – What coach is saying is that if you are following the mainsite daily WOD’s, in our case CrossFit Magnitudes daily WOD’s, don’t try to substitute our workout for your own because you may be tasked with that very same stressor the very next day.
“Our “Workout of the Day” is engineered with great dilligence to care for
ALL of your fitness needs. If some days seem too easy that is because
workouts either before or coming are tortuous and the backing off is
warranted. We are feeding you a regimen that represents the ultimate
challenge for the world’s best athletes.” – This is self explanatory.
“The “Workout of the Day” is engineered to elicit an adaptive response consistent
with the CrossFit philosopy (see CrossFit Foundations article – CrossFit.com). Following the workout daily provides a substantial volume of exercise at HIGH intensity while minimizing the likliehood of burnout and overtraining or orthopedic over-stress. Considerable thought and energy has been given to the precise order and nature of the workouts. Alterations of this pattern potentially risks burnout, injury, or gaps in your fitness.” – This is just as valid with our programming here at CrossFit Magnitude. Try not to alter the course of our ship on your own by doing things before or after your daily WOD as this may force burnout, injury, or gaps in your fitness.
May 31, 2012 WOD
Super Squats 1×20
Notes: Warm up to a heavy set of 10, then perform 20 repetitions at that same weight. You are only doing one all out set!
Row 2,000 meters
Rest 3 minutes
For time, complete:
125 Jumping pull ups