Apr 2012
Rest as Needed…
I know most of you reading this are rather new to the ‘Sport of Fitness’. As you get more involved in CrossFit, what we call ‘getting the bug’, you may find yourself tempted to workout out more often than usual, pushing yourself to even greater levels than once imagined. To keep yourself performing at a top level, you must listen to your body very carefully. Some days you may wake up and feel like a train ran you over the night before. Other days you may just feel tired or not all there. These are signs of burning out or overtraining. More is not always better. Take the day off if you’re not feeling 100 percent. As you already know, CrossFit WOD’s are demanding and take a lot out of you. It typically takes 36 to 48 hours for muscle to heal, even longer for connective tissues. It is good practice to take a full week off from lifting strenuously every 8-12 weeks, sometimes much sooner. This will allow complete recovery and a fresh start once you return. It is also wise to take into consideration the amount of work you do outside of the box, especially if you’re a hands on type of guy/gal. This stuff all adds up! For those of you who don’t already know, 8+ hours of sleep a night is ESSENTIAL to your recovery. This is when your body is hard at work repairing itself. Failing to sleep is failing to get better. There is no set schedule for working out that is best for everyone. Your body is your best messenger of what needs to take place next. Listen very closely!
Update: We are kicking off the PALEO CHALLENGE May 5th! The first Paleo challenge meeting will be held on the 5th at 9:00am Sharp! For those of you who haven’t signed up yet there is still time! Click on the link under the nutrition tab for more info or email: paleo@crossfitmagnitude.com.
If you don’t already know, the CrossFit games is in full swing. Here is an update from the regionals that took place this past weekend :CrossFit games Regionals Update
May 1, 2012 WOD
Turkish get ups
Muscle Snatch 5×3 – Rest 60 seconds between sets
In 90 seconds, complete as many burpees as possible.
Rest 2 minutes, then:
In 90 seconds, complete as many pull ups as possible
Rest 2 minutes, then:
In 90 seconds, complete as many overhead squats as possible 95/65#
Rest 2 minutes, then:
In 90 seconds, complete as many snatch grip push press as possible 95/65#