Dec 2015
Recover, Recover, RECOVER!
Most athletes don’t take their recovery seriously enough. Recovery starts the second the WOD is over! Everything you do from that moment will contribute towards your recuperation allowing you to realize a greater level of health and fitness as well as prepare you for your next WOD. Let’s spend a few minutes to talk about it.
< …PS you don’t have to look like this guy at first…
1. Post WOD cool down. As noted earlier, your recovery starts after your last rep. Use anytime you have directly after your WOD to perform light movement (walk, cycle, row) which will help flush out the system and start the waste removal process from the body. Rolling out and mobility work will also help by restoring normal resting length to muscle and connective tissues as well as help improve inadequate range of motion.
2. Nutrition – Your body is in a very anabolic state directly after a WOD which is when you are most primed for growth and recovery. Prepare something ahead of time to take with you (an easily digestible protein and carbohydrate snack). This could be a protein shake with some fruit. Anything at this critical time is ALWAYS better than nothing!
3. Drink more water! Your muscle tissue is comprised of over 70% water. Inadequate intake of this essential substance will decrease recovery time and increase the likelihood of an injury. A good place to start is to drink about 50% of your body weight in ounces (a 200# personshould drink about 100 ounces of water).
4. Recovery, like training, is a team effort. Get some help.
- Treat yourself to a deep tissue massage. It is a amazing what just one session can do for you. If you’re really serious about recovery and basic maintenance of your body, schedule a massage on a monthly basis.
- Seek out a good P.T. Physical therapy is not just for the injured. Many therapist practice pre-hab as well, helping you correct imbalances and asymmetries that may be contributing to unnecessary aches and pain.
- Get a stretching buddy and pick something to do from MobilityWOD…or just ask your coach 😉
5. Get your sleep. Most of your recovery happens while you are sound asleep. Not only do your muscles and connective tissues use this valuable time to repair, but so does your central nervous system along with a host of other major systems of the body. 8-10 hours is recommended for anyone engaging in a serious exercise program. 6-8 hours for the sedentary folk. It may be impossible for you to get the recommended dose of shut eye, but do you very best!
Stop taking your recovery so lightly. Start implementing some of the above recovery tips and start fast tracking your way to success!