Jul 2012
Protein Power
If you did not know already, protein is a key building block essential to all forms of life. With out protein, all of the major systems in our bodies would fail us. Now add CrossFit to the mix. A rigorous training regimen by design, CrossFit produces great amounts of stress on the body which in turn, must be met with proper nutrition, rest and recovery. One of the most important elements to nutrition that actually aids in the recovery and adaptation process is protein. It helps us repair our broken down muscle and connective tissues. It provides essential enzymes which help speed up processes that would otherwise take literally thousands of years to complete without. It aids in the development of hair, skin, nails, and is also found in every cell in the human body. In order to get stronger, add more lean muscle tissue, and continue to improve in our efforts as CrossFitters, we need protein every day – at every meal. The BEST sources of protein are animal derived! Meat, eggs, and fish should be the foundation in everyones diet. I understand that some of you are vegetarians or have food allergies. There is simply nothing wrong with this. Your task of for-filling your daily requirements with grade A protein is just a wee bit harder than the rest of us. Regardless of who you are and what you eat, there may be a time when you want to consider supplementing with protein shakes. They come in all forms -whey, casein, egg, soy, hemp, to name a few. Just remember a few things before you grab anything off the shelf. Make sure the contents are natural, non GMO, non processed, and very few ingredients to it. Remember, they are supplements to have in addition to your daily meals consisting of real foods. You can and should not live off this stuff alone. If you want any good suggestions, I would start with ‘About Time’ Whey protein. It has 4 all natural ingredients, it mixes well with anything including water, and we have it right here at the Box for sale. I will make an oath to you all that anything we sell here at CrossFit Magnitude will be only food and supplement items we as coaches consume ourselves. Always listen to your body and note how it reacts when taken something new. If it doesn’t sit right with you, then it probably isn’t something you want to continue using. Do not ever force anything upon yourself, especially if your body is sending you bad signals. If you want to understand more about the great benefits of protein and how it helps your body thrive as athletes, do a google search and you will be amazed with the wealth of knowledge out there. Just make sure it is a reputable source!
July 13, 2012 WOD
Level 1:
KB push press 3-3-3-3-3
Complete sets of 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 for time of:
Wall ball 20/14
Level 2:
DB push press 5-5-5-5-5
Complete sets of 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 for time of:
Wall ball 14/10