May 2012
Opinions Please!
Summer is quickly approaching us, which means it is time to wipe that dust of the old bathing suit and start hitting the WOD’s every day with a vengeance. As the younger crowd gets out of school the need for additional classes is becoming more apparent. As we have already surpassed our 1 year member goal in the first two weeks and are steadily growing, we want to make sure that there is enough classes for everyone to sign up to with out being wait-listed. Our staff is still very limited during this time so we are trying our best to work with what we have and make accommodations where needed. I am on the search for a front desk assistant as well as child care personnel. Please send me an email if you happen to know someone who is looking for a part/full time position. We are also looking for a few really great coaches. My intentions from the onset was to find prospective coaches from within our ranks and groom them to be our future leaders. I really do want to stick with this approach, however, with the growing number of members and limited coaching staff to allow for more classes, we may need to start looking outside the box.
If there is a class time already on the schedule that you would never see yourself going to please chime in below in the comment section with what that undesirable time is and also write down what the most desirable time would be for you not yet on the schedule. I really do appreciate everyones feedback on this. If you do not have a facebook account and cannot comment, just let me know in person the next time you see me.
May 30, 2012 WOD
Front lunge 5-5-5-5
Note: Use a front squat rack position.
10 minute ‘AMRAP’ of:
5 Dead lift
5 Hang power clean (view demo)
5 Push Press
Note: Use the same weight 95/65# for all lifts. Scale upwards/downwards accordingly.
4 rounds of (no time component):
5 turkish get ups/side
10 knees to elbows