Aug 2012
Not fearing the Unknown
So I ran into this girl the other day at the health food store ( I hope she is reading this) who asked me about the whole Paleo thing after noticing the word printed on the back of my shirt. For some apparent reason, she thought it was some crazy diet based on the latest breakthroughs in science. I reassured her that in fact there was no crazy science involved and it was quite simple to follow. I told her that eating foods that were natural and void of artificial ingredients would be a great place to start. Some how, CrossFit was naturally mended into the conversation where she abruptly exclaimed “People who do that stuff are CRAZY, that stuff is so INSANELY HARD, I could never do that!” This coming from an able bodied mid 20 year old. I just kinda smirked. Crazy I thought? Insane? Where do people come up with this stuff? Who was feeding her this kind of information. If she only knew that we have 60+ year olds doing this on a daily basis. I think there is a whole segment of the population who has heard of CrossFit and Paleo and are curious as to what it all is and why people are so hell bent on making it part of their lives. If they only knew that it is for any and everyone and that all walks of life are currently involved, they might just give it a second look. Eating healthy and exercising as part of a daily routine takes commitment, guts, initiative, and self respect. It is not for the weak minded. It is not for the lazy. It is for the ones who believe they can be better. It is for the ones who desire more. It is for those who don’t want to be just average. I commend each and everyone of you who had the guts, made the sacrifice, and had the heart to commit yourselves by taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
August 2, 2012 WOD
Level 1
1a) 5×5 BB Press (seated) Heaviest possible)
Note: These should be performed on a box or bench with no back support.
Feet should remain flat on the floor.
1b) 5×5 Weighted pull ups (heaviest possible)
For time, complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Power clean – b/w
Push press -1/2 b/w
Level 2
Hand stand push up
5×3 Overhead squat (heaviest possible)
For time, complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Sumo dead lift high pull 95/65
Pull ups