
Happy Halloween


Back Squat 10-10-10-10

Start at 60% of 1RM squat and ascend to a 10RM.


3 Rounds for time and max reps of:

Run 400m

Push Press – Max reps unbroken 115/75#

Chin-Up (strict) – Max reps unbroken

Score is time and total reps combined.

Magnitude Scoop

Many thanks to everyone who helped support our Barbells for Boobs event this past weekend! Everyone did an outstanding job, many PR’s were set, and hope has been given to those unfortunate people in need of help out there, as a result of your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Also, the October Challenge of the month ends today…If you have not had a chance to partake in the challenge, it is not to late to play for the prize!