
On a 90 second clock, for 12 minutes (4 sets total of each movement)

1 – Bench Press x5

2 – Clean Lift-off (1st pull) w/3 sec pause above knee x5

Alternate between movements every 90 seconds, starting with a challenging weight and ascending throughout.



Min 1 – Shoot-through x3

Min 2 – Ring Row xME-UB

Min 3 – Ski x30 sec for Max Cals

Min 4 – Rest

Every shoot-through should start with 3 push-ups before shooting through and 3 dips before shooting back.

Magnitude Scoop

Our Memorial Day Weekend class schedule is as follows:

Friday – Regular morning classes, no afternoon classes

Saturday – Regular morning classes

Sunday – Closed

Monday – Memorial Day “Murph” – Kicks off at 9:00am sharp!  Join us in this fun and challenging WOD, and a great way to honor all of the brave men and women who served our country.  Scaling options for all levels.