Jul 2014
CFM WOD’s 7/28 – 8/2
Monday 140728 WOD
Back squat – Establish a 1 rep max.
Note: We will be starting a squat strength cycle next Monday using your 1RM established today.
In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
12 BB squat jump 45/35
24 Abmat sit up
36 Double under
Tuesday 140729 WOD
Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1
Notes: Ascend in weight across all sets. Split with the same foot forward throughout.
Complete x4 – 3 minute rounds of:
Row 25 calories
With time remaining, complete as many reps of:
Power snatch 115/85
Rest 3 minutes between each round.
Score equals total power snatches.
Wednesday 140730 WOD
Condtioning #1
“Masshole” (Courtesy of CrossFit 781)
In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 Power clean 95/65
7 Thruster 95/65
9 KB swing 53/35
Rest 15 minutes, then:
Conditioning #2
“The Plaza” (Courtesy of CrossFit 781)
For time, complete the following:
30 Wall ball 20/14 – to 10′ target
21 Burpee
20 Wall ball
15 Burpee
10 Wall ball
9 Burpee
Thursday 140731 WOD
Establish a 3 rep max box jump
Notes: Allow no more than 10 seconds between each attempt. Step down from boxes, NO jumping!
Complete 4 rounds of 1 minute at each of the following stations for max reps. Rest 1 minute after each round.
Chest to bar pull up
Box jump 24/20 (Step down from boxes, NO jumping)
Double under
Score equals total reps.
Friday 140801 WOD
Snatch balance – 5×3 (with 3 second pause at bottom)
Notes: Use 65-75% of max projected weight and focus on speed under the bar.
For time, complete sets of 21-15 9 of:
Overhead squat 95/65
Toes to bar
* Run 400m between every round (after 21’s and 15’s only)
Saturday 140802 WOD
“Team WOD”
3 rounds for time of:
Row 50 calories
50 Hand release push up
50 Kb swing
50 Push press
Notes: Partition reps anyway you like. Only one athlete may move at a time.