Jan 2013
Leave it at home please!
I think I have come in contact with more people that are sick in the last month than ever before in my entire life. The cold and flu season is in full force and it is certainly taking its toll on everyone. With that said, if you are sick or feel something coming on (which is the most contagious stage) stay home and get better! Coming to the box and trying to ‘sweat it out’ is both bad for you and bad for all your peers in the community. It is bad for you because when you are sick your body needs 100% of what is left of your immune system to fight off what ever you have. Bad for the community because coming in and leaving your mark on everything is a great way to pass on what you have to the next guy. CrossFitting with a cold or flu is probably the best way to keep your immune system lowered resulting in a longer recovery period. Have respect for yourself and your community and stay home and get better. The daily WOD requires your 110% everyday and if your only at 50%, well lets just say your not doing yourself any favors.
The best remedy for the cold and flu is rest and a clean diet. Food is the most powerful drug in the world (what else do you take at least 3 times a day 365/days a year that effects your level of hormones as well as your immune system). Use healthy food to your advantage and keep it extra clean during these times when you to most. Sleep is when we recover so get lots of it. Don’t worry, we’ll be right here waiting for you when your ready to return.
Also, we have the BEST hold policy out there, so if you need to take some time off drop me a line letting me know you want your membership to be put on hold. There is never a penalty to do so!
Dave earned the “Best Technique of the Day Award” today!
January 16, 2013 WOD
BB Acrobatics
Power clean – 3×3 @ 70%, 3×2 @ 80%
Note: For those of you that have not established a 1rm, use this time to do so.
In 2 minutes, perform as many reps as possible of:
Push press
Rest 60 seconds
In 2 minutes, perform as many reps as possible of:
Bar facing burpees
Rest 60 seconds
In 2 minutes, perform as many reps as possible of:
Pull ups
Rest 60 seconds
In 2 minutes, perform as many reps as possible of:
Double unders
Rx – 95/75
Lv2 – 75/55
Lv1 – 55/35