Jul 2015
H2O So Good For You!
Given the extreme heat and humidity of the past few weeks and that which is sure to follow us for a little while longer into the summer, I wanted to talk about the connection between high intensity exercise – think CrossFit – and hydration. When we exercise, especially at high levels of intensity, being in a hydrated state before you start is essential. The blood in circulation should be thin and smooth flowing to ensure maximal delivery of fresh oxygen to working muscles and ensure proper disposal of waste products back to the lungs. Not being properly hydrated first hand or becoming dehydrated is where the problems arise. As we begin to sweat, we start to lose the water that has been keeping us in our hydrated state. As a result of this loss of water, the blood becomes more viscous – think tooth paste. As this happens, and a sustained effort of work is underway, the muscles become denied the once steady flow of fresh oxygenated blood and have a hard time carrying away waste build up – think Co2. Now the heart starts to beat harder (increased heart rate) and blood pressure starts to rise. As a result of this stressful condition, your ratings of perceived exertion (how hard the work that you’re doing feels to you) start to rise. This produces a not so fun scenario that your body does not like to be in. What to do now?
Drink water, and lots of it! Water is single handedly the best choice for hydration. Reason being, it makes it through the gastric emptying cycle faster than any other fluid. Even the smallest amount of sugar added to your beverage – think gatorade – and this cycle almost quadruples in time. When you become dehydrated, 9 times out of ten you are lacking water, not electrolytes. So drinking plain water would be the most advantageous thing do drink to ensure the quickest way of hydrating/rehydrating. Always come into the gym fully hydrated (drink at least 16 ounces 15-20 minutes prior to coming in) and consume water throughout your workout and immediately after to replenish what you lost in sweat.
Keep this stuff in mind each and every time you work out, especially in a high heat, high humid condition where sweating occurs the quickest.