Today is R.E.D. Friday

Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed.

Complete 5 – 6 minutes rounds of the following complex for max load:

5 Deadlift

4 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

2 Shoulder to Overhead

This is a non-stop complex.  Once begun, the bar may not touch the ground except for touch and go deadlifts.  The complex is over when it has been completed 3 times without dropping the bar. Athletes may rest the bar on the lap or front rack.  Athletes should add weight every round ending at a max complex.

Magnitude Macros – Blue

Magnitude Scoop
Next Monday we will be celebrating Memorial Day with The Murph Challenge!  
Starting at 9:00am we will go over the flow of things and start our first heat at 9:20 promptly.  
If you haven’t already, sign-up on the whiteboard so we can get an idea of who is coming and what version 
you will be doing (Rx, Scaled, Team, Child).  We also ask that you bring in a snack/app to share 
for post-WOD hang-out!  We will not be running any other classes on Monday and will be closed on Sunday.