Today is R.E.D. Friday

Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed

“P.K. Shuffle”

For time:

200m Run

Followed by…

Rounds of 4-8-12 of:

Burpee Box Jump-Over

KB Swing

Weighted Abmat Sit-up


400m Run

Followed by…

Rounds of 16-20-24 of:

 Burpee Box Jump-Over

 KB Swing

 Weighted Abmat Sit-up


800m Run

20 minute time cap

Rx: 53/36#, 24/20”, 25/15#

Int: 44/26#, 20/16”, 15/10#

Beg: 36/22#, 16/12”, Non-weighted sit-up

WOD courtesy of last months Challenge of the month winner – P.K.