Apr 2013
Fitness for Self-Care in Cancer Patients
Guest post by: Melanie Bowen – Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance awareness advocate for natural health and cancer cure initiatives
Fitness for Self-Care in Cancer Patients
Self-care is important for the health and wellbeing of everyone. Cancer patients and survivors certainly do rely on the help and expertise of others, but some aspects of health and fitness remain a personal responsibility. Physical fitness is one of the primary points of self-care that must not be neglected by cancer patients.
Years ago, doctors used to recommend that cancer patients refrain from any strenuous activity during treatment. Today, we understand that physical fitness brings a higher quality of life to cancer patients. Those who continue a regular exercise routine during cancer treatment reap many advantages. These include the following:
- Maintaining or improving physical strength and stamina
- Reduced fatigue
- Decreased nausea
- Lower blood pressure
- Better circulation and blood flow
- Improved balance
- Decreased risk of osteoporosis
- Lower cholesterol
- Elevated mood
- Better social connectivity
Of course, the type of cancer you have, the type of treatment you are receiving and your overall physical condition will influence the amount of physical activity that is right for you. If you have questions about exercise and fitness, speak with your doctor. Your physician and oncology staff can direct you toward programs specifically designed for cancer patients and survivors.
Once you learn that you are cancer free, you still need to continue with a regular exercise routine. While exercise is not a cure for cancer, more and more research indicates that cancer patients and survivors who exercise regularly may have a decreased chance of cancer-related death as well as a lower recurrence rate. Researchers continue to look into these correlations, but there is simply no indication yet that exercise has anything but positive results for those who participate moderately and in keeping with doctor’s advice.
Whether you are a survivor of breast cancer, have undergone treatment for mesothelioma, been diagnosed with lymphoma, or have had any brush with any type of cancer, physical fitness is an important part of your personal self-care. Your doctor and medical staff will do all they can to see you restored to full health. Some things, however, only you can do. Give yourself the gift of fitness.
Melanie Bowen joined the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance in 2011 as an awareness advocate for natural health and cancer cure initiatives. You will often find her highlighting the great benefits of alternative nutritional, emotional, and physical treatments on those diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness. Melanie also assists in social media outreach in her efforts to spread awareness. In her spare time, you can find Melanie trying new vegan recipes, on her yoga mat, or spending time with her family.
You can read more of her blog posts by clicking HERE
April 26, 2013 WOD
Box squat 8×2 @ 50% of 1rm
5 rounds for a total time of:
100m shuttle run (10m increments)
18 kb swing
12 box jump
6 handstand push up
Rest 60 seconds between each round.
Rx – 53/44, 24/20″
Lv2 – 44/36, 20/16″
Lv1 – 36/25, 16/12″