May 2012
Today officially marks the 1 month aniversary of our opening day class. During this time period, we have taken you through a countless number of exercises, performed in constantly varied workouts over many different time periods. As you may have noticed, we never do the same workout twice – with the exception of infrequently used benchmark WOD’s which pop up from time to time for the soul purpose of measuring yourself against the previous effort of doing it and comparing the two to gauge whether your fitness has improved or not.
At CrossFit Magnitude, we are forever striving to meet all the wants and needs of our members. I am not a mind reader, so unless you voice your opininions on matters, I will never know for sure just how good we are keeping pace with your expectations. The best way of doing this is to provide feedback in the comment section below the post each night. This does not have to be directed towards anyone in particular. It can be just a single thought (I thought tonights class kicked my ass!) or (who is having trouble walking right now) or (when are we going to do burpees again..lol). We also would like you to post your scores and times for the days workout so all can see. This is great feedback, especially for newcomers, to see what kind the average person is capable of doing. It can be a dialogue between you and your fellow CrossFitters, or something you want to get off your chest. Also we need feedback as to whether our class times are working for you. What are the best times that fit your schedule? There is no boundaries of what you can say, just say it and you will be heard.
Just another reminder – the Paleo Challenge is just a few short days away! Don’t procrastinate and sign up NOW!
Lastly, we are holding a Mothers Day Boot Camp this sunday from 8:00-9:30. It will count towards one of your weekly classes and $15 for non members. If you have used all your classes up, you can pay a one time fee of $15 for this class. Call or email us at info@crossfitmagnitude.com for questions or more details.
May 2, 2012 WOD
High bar back squat 2-2-2-2-2
5 rounds, with a 3 minute rest between each round of:
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats