Oct 2016
Don’t Go Nuts!
I know that a lot of you new to the CrossFit experience are also hopping on board the Paleo express as well. This is a very good thing! As you know nutrition drives everything you do. What you have to realize is that even if you are eating a ‘Paleo’ style diet, with wholesome fresh foods, this in no way gives you a free pass to eat as much of this goodness as you desire. Make sure you eat in moderation. This is especially true for NUTS. Nuts, being a big part of our Zone/Paleo diet have positives as well as negatives.
Some of the positives are:
1) Nuts are Omega – 6 by nature. We need omega 6’s as they are EFA’s (essential fatty acids) meaning they are not produced by the body and therefore must be taken in through the diet.
2) They help lower bad cholesterol, partly by replacing less healthy fatty foods in the diet.
3) They contain fats (poly & mono – unsaturated fats) known to benefit the heart.
4) They are rich in Arginine, which may improve blood vessel function.
Some of the negatives are:
1) Eating to many nuts may throw off your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. When this ratio is out of whack, inflammation will occur.
2) Some people have nut allergens making them unsafe, sometimes deadly to eat. Make sure you know how you react to certain nuts before you decide to gorge on them (which is never a good idea).
3) If the nuts you are eating are salted, this may increase your blood pressure. I would only be concerned about this if you are eating lots of processed foods as well.
4) In my opinion, fat doesn’t make you fat, carbohydrates do. With that being said, this does not mean you should eat an abundance of this calorie rich food at every meal. Use fats as a way to make up calories you are not taking in via protein and carbohydrates.
In the end, portion control reigns supreme. As Mark Sisson, from ‘Marks Daily Apple’ says, “They’re nuts. They aren’t meals, and they’re not meant to be. They’re snacks, basic supplements to an already nutritious diet replete in animal fat, protein, and vegetables.”
The best nut to eat is the Macadamia nut which is almost completely void of Omega-6’s. This is especially good for people who do not take in a lot of Omega -3’s and have trouble keeping their ratio of Omega 3′ to Omega 6’s in balance.
One of the best things you can do, especially if you consume nuts on the regular, is to ensure you are supplementing with an O-3 Fish Oil. It will always remain one of my “Big 4” daily supplements…More on that later!
Coach Chris