Jul 2012
CrossFit is only for the Elite?
On a daily basis, I am constantly running into people outside the Box (no pun intended) who have heard of this thing called CrossFit but are not really sure what it is. One thing they all have in common is this preconceived notion that what we do here at CrossFit Magnitude and every other CrossFit box around the world is some form of extreme exercise that is only for the elite level athlete. I really am not sure how this opinion of theirs has been formed or on what basis, but they are all dead wrong. CrossFit is for everyone. For the old and young alike, for the weak and strong alike, for the unhealthy and healthy alike. It is nondiscriminatory. We can take anyone, of any age, in any condition, with any level of skill set, and make you BETTER! If you don’t believe me, come see for yourself. The hardest part about CrossFit is making a commitment and showing up. The rest will fall into place.
I have seen since our opening a few short months ago rapid changes take place in individuals that are truly inspiring. Members are getting stronger. Members are getting leaner. Members are gaining confidence. Members are learning. Members are becoming more independent. The list goes on. If you want to make changes to yourself that will positively effect every area of your life, stay committed, have faith in our programming, and give 100 percent each and every day.
If you are still unsure if CrossFit is right for you, ask a fellow CrossFitter and I am sure they can give you 10 good reasons why CrossFit is right for you!
~Greg Glassman
July 17, 2012 WOD
Level 1 + 2
Kipping pull up drills
Dead lift – In 15 minutes, establish a 2 rep max
Complete the following for time:
5 box jumps
30 kb swings
10 box jumps
25 kb swings
15 box jumps
20 kb swings
20 box jumps
15 kb swings
25 box jumps
10 kb swings
30 box jumps
5 kb swings
Level 1 - 24/20" box, 1.5/1 pood kb
Level 2 - 20/16" box, 36/25# kb