Just a heads up, we will be holding MORNING ONLY classes next Monday on Columbus Day.  There will be two classes, a 7:30 spin and a 9:00 CrossFit class.

Don’t forget, if you are interested in our Specialty strength/power class, be sure to send an email to info@crossfitmagnitude.com to reserve a spot.

Hats off to everyone who finally got their first kipping pull up yesterday, even if you needed a band.   Remember, rep by rep, set by set, WOD by WOD, you will eventually get to where your going! Stay Strong!!!

October 2, 2012 WOD


Front Squat 5×5 (heaviest possible)


Complete as many reps as possible in each 75 second round for a total score performing:

Squat jumps

Push ups

Kb swings

Box jumps

Double unders

Sit ups


Rest 20 seconds after each round.