Sup WODers,

So December is here. And that means it is the holidays! …And that means, gifts, and eggnog, and eggnog with booz (my favorite) ….and of course, cookies!

We all love holiday cookies. They are just so cute! …sprinkles and gum drop buttons, they make you feel all fuzzy inside…metaphorically speaking that is. But once we finish off that third gingerbread man (cuz it is impossible to only eat one!) the holiday spirit wears off, and the indigestion and bloating sets in.

…Not so fuzzy after all.

I offer an alternative. Instead of laying out a tray of sugar cookies, give one of these recipes a try. If you had a chance to check out the video above, you will know how amazing of a food raw cacao is! It is literally a SUPERFOOD!

Pomegranate Coconut Chocolate Bark







Raw Cacao Truffles










♦IMPORTANT♦ …RAW cacao is crucial! (give the video above a second review to understand why)

December 2, 2013 WOD


1) In 2o minutes establish a 1rm front squat

2) 4×5 box jumps at 75-80% of 1rm (rest 60 sec between sets)


Complete 4 rounds of 90 seconds at each of 3 stations

Row (calorie)

Pushup (hand release)

toes to bar


Score equals total combined reps for all rounds